?> BBQ Prep Table is an Integral Part of a Barbeque | Fire Pit Design Ideas

Types of BBQ Prep Table

BBQ Grill Prep Table

Bbq prep table can be of two types: inbuilt in the brick barbeque and a separate one.

To make a diy bbq prep table you should follow some steps. You should order a wooden or stone tabletop according to the size of the brickwork. There should be a waterproof silicone joint filling material between the brick walls and the end of the worktop. If you want you can build-in a metal washer here. You can also make the worktop yourself using the sheet of firm multilayered plywood. It is necessary to attach it to the wall with the help of cement- sand solution or special glue. You should put the tile or porcelain tile onto the top of the plywood, which will make the worktop more resistant to water and weather changes.

DIY BBQ Prep Table

Outdoor bbq prep table can be made of reinforced weatherproof concrete and marble chips.  This stone is unique because of its physical characteristics. It’s nice, firm, durable and wearproof. Every homemaker will be glad to know that marble is very easy in cleaning. It is only necessary to clean the surface with the duster using any washing substance you want.

The choice of the bbq food prep table depends not only on the taste, but also the financial capacity owners. However, even if your finances are limited, do not buy cheap plastic of flashy colours. In this case it is better to create a set of furniture with your own hands, for example, using rough planks in a rustic style.

Today manufacturers offer readymade prep tables, which are made of stainless steel. They called the economy class, but they do their functions quite well. They may be used only indoors. They can have special upturns. It is convenient, hygienic and it makes the cleaning much easier.

BBQ Prep Table Plans

6 Photos of the Types of BBQ Prep Table

BBQ Grill Prep TableDIY BBQ Prep TableBBQ Food Prep TableBBQ Prep Table PlansBBQ Competition Prep TableOutdoor BBQ Prep Table

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