What about a pirate ship as a fireplace? It is a great metal work, with sails and a burning deck. A cast iron dragon head, breathing with the flame, can be a serious rival for the ship.
Here is important info on fire pit design. We have the cool step for fire pit design. Check it out for yourself! You can gather Unique Arts Copper Fire Pit guide and view the latest Some Examples of Unique Fire Pits in here.
Mini fire pit attracts, relaxes, captivates and creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort that dispose to rest and sincere conversations. Therefore, better to locate an interesting decorative element, like a garden hearth. Mini outdoor fire pit can be compact and easy to use, since you may easily install it […]
Beach fire pit- perhaps it can not be compared with anything. That is why about such spending time is need to know all people, even those who do not live close to the sea, because everyone needs a good rest, especially after the hard work and endless bustle of big […]
Installing at least a small fire pit in your backyard is something that every homeowner should consider. Those things not only transform the entire look of the patio, becoming its centerpiece, but also create a special calming and warming atmosphere of staying somewhere in the wild and sitting near the […]