?> Cowboy Fire Pit Tradition and Modern Tendencies | Fire Pit Design Ideas

Cowboy Fire Pit Practical Device

Cowboy Grill Open Fire Pit

The name speaks for itself: cowboy fire pit was created by herdsmen. They required a portable device for cooking and heating during their long journeys. This plain but practical device is popular nowadays. It is not only a fireplace; it is a tradition, which satisfies the love to roasted meat, to an outdoor relaxation and to a simple maintenance.

The presence of this colorful cowboy fire pit grill in your garden or backyard will impress your friends, without doubt, and will become the favorite centerpiece in your property. This fireplace has some incontestable privileges. First of all, it is really sturdy and indestructible. It is easy portable and you can gather or disassemble the pit quickly and install where you need. The simplest traditional model consists of a cast iron cauldron which is hanged up with a chain on a tripod. This massive bowl radiates heat across a large area. That is why it serves also for warming. The sizes vary, so you can choose it according your need. The firewood is placed directly in the cauldron. Install a grade on the bowl for cooking.

Cowboy Fire Pit Cooking

Modern version is a cowboy fire pit rotisserie / grill, which includes grades, skewer and spit. You may install them on different height in depend on the level of the heat and your recipe. A cowboy fireplace of our days has several iron legs to set it up high above the earth.

A cowboy grill fire pit should serve not only for to roast meat, sausages and vegetables. If you want to prepare a soup, clean the cauldron from the ashes, wash it and light a campfire under the cauldron.

As you can see this type of the fireplace is multifunctional. It gives the warm and permits to make different dishes. It is durable, easy to maintain and has a nice appearance.

Cowboy Grill Fire Pit

25 Photos of the Cowboy Fire Pit Practical Device

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