?> Why Choosing or Building a Fire Pit Bench | Fire Pit Design Ideas

Fire Pit Bench Extraordinary and Stylish

Swinging Bench Fire Pit

Fire pit bench is probably the best solution if you want to fit as many people around the pit as possible or if you’re seeking for a cheaper or kind of old-school solution of an outdoor seat for that area. It also looks good and creates a nice nostalgic impression of summer camp’s bonfires. But, more expensive and exclusive alternatives are made of metal with fine decorative elements.  And, this seat is obviously the best one to unite people and expand their comfort zone, as no one is going to sit at a huge distance from each other while hanging out on a bench around fire pit.

There’re also multiple design ideas of these seats. You may opt for a traditional straight and simple version, or add a back for an extra comfort or even experiment with the shapes and lengths by opting for curved fire pit bench with back. This is one of the coolest designs that will perfectly suit any round fire pit, whether it’s capital and decorated with huge stones or it’s just a large concrete or metal bowl filled with decorative stones and powered by canned fuel, which produces the flame. Besides, you may place several attachable soft seats to any bench you’ve bought or built. And, it doesn’t even matter if the seat is wooden, or metal, or wicker.

Swinging Bench Fire Pit

The best thing is that it’s quite easy to make a DIY fire pit bench out of wooden planks and bars. Even more, you won’t have to purchase or borrow the instruments to cut the planks and bars to the appropriate sizes (according to the bench’s plan) right at the shop. Then, you’ll only have to buy enough screws and electric screwdriver to assemble the seat. And, if you’ve bought the untreated wood, you’ll have to apply the finish and paint it.

10 Photos of the Fire Pit Bench Extraordinary and Stylish

Swinging Bench Fire PitFire Pit Bench SeatingCurved Fire Pit Bench with BackFire Pit with BenchBench Swing Fire PitFire Pit Bench IdeasCurved Fire Pit BenchFire Pit Bench PlansDIY Fire Pit BenchBench Around Fire Pit

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